OUshop > Knihy > Historie a fakta
Historik a literát v provincii / Historyk i pisarz na prowincji
20 Kč 349 Kč
Cena s DPH
Publikace je výstupem dvou konferencí, zaměřených na osobnost historika a literáta na provincii. První část tvoří texty, které se dotýkají různých problémů utváření profese odborného historika v provincii v průběhu 18. a 19. století. Druhou část publikace tvoří literárněhistorické příspěvky o regionálně působících literátech. Vsazují tuto problematiku do široké perspektivy a reflektují ji na ploše různých historických období z různých hledisek, např. z pohledu kulturní identity regionů a paměti míst. Publikace přináší nové poznatky k danému tématu, analyzuje změny postojů zkoumané skupiny směrem k centru a otevírá k němu mezinárodní a interdisciplinární diskuzi.
This publication presents the outputs of two events focusing on historians and writers in the provinces. The condition for the life and activities of two key subgroups within the intelligentsia: historians and writers are presented in this book. The texts in the first part of the book—focusing on historians—mainly explore the situation in the 18th and 19th century. The second part—focusing on writers—take a broad-based approach to the issue, reflecting on it from a number of different perspectives (e.g. cultural identity of regions, or memories of places) and covering a range of different historical periods. The aim of this publication is to bring new fidings on the activities of of educated men and women in the provinces, to analyze their changing attitudes toward the centre, and to open up international and national discussion of topics related to the pattern of behavior and interaction within this distinctive social group.
This publication presents the outputs of two events focusing on historians and writers in the provinces. The condition for the life and activities of two key subgroups within the intelligentsia: historians and writers are presented in this book. The texts in the first part of the book—focusing on historians—mainly explore the situation in the 18th and 19th century. The second part—focusing on writers—take a broad-based approach to the issue, reflecting on it from a number of different perspectives (e.g. cultural identity of regions, or memories of places) and covering a range of different historical periods. The aim of this publication is to bring new fidings on the activities of of educated men and women in the provinces, to analyze their changing attitudes toward the centre, and to open up international and national discussion of topics related to the pattern of behavior and interaction within this distinctive social group.
Autor: | Kolektiv |
Nakladatel: | Filozofická fakulta OU |
Rok vydání: | 2015 |
Vydání: | 1 |
Počet stran: | 469 |
Formát: | 170x240 |
Vazba: | vázaná |
ISBN: | 978-80-7464-793-2 |
EAN: | 9788074647932 |
Typ: | kniha |
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